
Facebook extends dynamic ads to the travel sector


Facebook Dynamic Ads for travel empower travel advertisers to offer hotel options to people who have shown interest in taking a trip, either by browsing hotels or searching and purchasing a flight.

Today the photo- and video-based social network is adding Dynamic Ads — a retargeting unit that Facebook launched on its own network a little over a year ago (under a slightly different name) that is essentially advertising that is customized to you: showing products that you are more likely to buy based on your online activity and interests.

However, Facebook thinks there’s an unmet need in the travel space, especially on mobile, and the company would like to help advertisers reach individuals planning or booking trips on their mobile device. Whether people are searching for accommodations or flights, dynamic ads could help businesses reach them at a crucial moment. So starting today, companies can target customers based on location and travel dates.

“Dynamic Ads for travel empower travel advertisers to offer hotel options to people who have shown interest in taking a trip, either by browsing hotels or searching and purchasing a flight,” Facebook notes. “For example, a travel business can connect with people who viewed a hotel on their website by showing them an ad featuring the hotel they viewed along with similar hotels in the area.” It will also extend to products beyond the one that a user is browsing for: one example is hotels that you might see in ads after you’ve booked a flight.

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