


Security & encryption of bank card data records

Since the introduction of channel manager, bank card information has been stored in the channel manager database in case of guaranteed reservation and the weakness of this service was the ability to guarantee the reservation with “any card” – incl. fake card, stolen card, etc.

We solved the disadvantage and offer our customers, in cooperation with Make Commerce, the storage of bank card data until the card expires + the system verifies that the card is valid (also during the customer’s stay, not just at the time of ordering) and not stolen. The service is still fast and convenient for the customer.

Identifying the person when accepting bank card details

In order for the hotel to be able to use the bank card details provided by the customer before/after the accommodation (fine, no-show, etc.), the person who provided the bank card details must be identified. The method of identification is determined by the bank that issued the card and can be identified by an ID card, Mobile ID, Smart ID, etc. The service is secure and complies with the PSD2 directive, but the process itself is a bit more time consuming for the client as it requires identification. At the same time, you eliminate the possibility that the customer can dispute the payment.

Contact your client manager to get started. The service is free to you as our good customer.

The changes are due to the EU-wide PSD2 Secure Online Shopping Personalisation Directive effective from 14.09.2019.